Power transmission and distribution

Canada's net-zero emissions target is spurring industrial companies to embrace the transition to clean energy. A number of government programs have been created to connect communities, regions and even countries. The energy industry faces numerous complex challenges, including ageing equipment, grid extensions and the creation of hybrid systems.

Now more than ever before, industrial companies need to know they can rely on electric grids that are modern, reliable and long-lasting. To make this possible, we need to transform the way we distribute power.

Power transmission and distribution

  1. Your challenges

    • Power Transmission and Distribution - Pylons with green grass and blue sky

      Modernize your electric network

      Modernizing your electric network makes sense for a number of reasons. It can make your systems more robust, increase your productivity, help you meet changing market demands and improve your environmental performance when you add clean energy sources.

      But to get optimal performance from your electrical facilities, you need to make sure any new technologies are compatible with your conventional systems. When planning your project, be sure to include thorough front-end analyses and look for proven designs that give priority to safety and energy efficiency.

      Uncover interconnection issues before your start

      Power system interties and related works can be technically challenging for many different reasons. There may be issues related to renewable energy sources, power storage, neighbouring networks with special characteristics, or connecting industrial plants and processes to the main grid. To set your project up for success, make sure you take these factors into consideration right from the project outset. Your development strategy should include in-depth system studies, performed in advance.

  2. Our approach

    • Power Systems Studies - Substation site survey harness

      Leading expertise in high-voltage electrical systems

      Our team has 45 years of experience and specialized expertise in power system studies, design and optimization. We're familiar with all aspects of transmission and distribution networks, including substations, transmission lines, control and protection systems, and transformers.

      Our experts can provide valuable support at all project life cycle phases, from technical specifications to supplier selection, design verification, factory acceptance testing and commissioning.

      Comprehensive knowledge of applicable standards

      Our team offers in-depth knowledge of the various standards in effect, including IEC 61850, and their application. We can verify equipment compatibility in our Digital Power System labs and make sure it will work flawlessly by performing simulations and rigorous tests on your control and automation systems.

      Discover our Digitals Power Systems service
  3. Solutions we offer
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